13 research outputs found

    Efficient Auxiliary Information Based Exponentially Weighted Moving Coefficient of Variation Control Chart using Hybrid Estimator : An Application to Monitor NPK Fertilizer

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    In this era, manufacturing sectors should ensure the quality of their production process and products. They must reduce the variability that occurs in their operation. Coefficient variation control charts have become important statistical Process Control (SPC) tools for monitoring processes when the process mean linear function with the standard deviation. In recent years, auxiliary information-based-CV control charts using memory type structure have been investigated to enhance the sensitivity of control charts. Auxiliary information is selected when the variable remains stable during the monitoring period. Nevertheless, the AIB statistic is constructed based on lognormal transformation, and no research investigated the memory type CV chart using estimator of AIB-CV from the combination of ratio and regression form called hybrid form. This research proposes a hybrid auxiliary information-based exponentially weighted moving coefficient of variation (Hybrid AIB-EWMCV) control chart for detecting small to moderate shifts in the CV process. The Average Run Length (ARL) simulation shows that increasing the level of correlation and sample sizes enhances the detection ability of the control chart. Also, the proposed chart performs well than existing chart. A real dataset from fertilizer manufacturing is implemented to explain the condition of the process by using a Hybrid AIB-EWMCV control chart

    Analisis Metode Certainty Factor pada Sistem Pakar dalam Diagnosa Penyakita Malaria

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    Malaria merupakan sebuah penyakit yang berasal dari parasit yang dinamakalkan n dengan parasit plasmodian. Parasit ini dapat menular dari satu manusia ke manusia yang lainnya melalui perantara nyamuk malaria atau disebut dengan nyamuk anopheles. Terdapat 4 jenis malaria meliputi, Malaria Tertiana, Malaria Tropis, Malaria Ovale, dan Malaria Quartana. Pada umumnya tanda penyakit malaria diawali dengan gejala sakit kepala, demam, mual, menggigil, sakit kepala, muntah, flu dan juga mual. Gejala malaria biasanya terjadi pada manusia ketika sudah berada di 10-15 hari di dalam tubuh manusia. Karena kurangnya fasilitas dan minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai gejala penyakit malaria dapat menunda diagnosa penyakit malaria sehingga terlambat. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem pakar untuk membantu mendiagnosa penyakit malaria dengan menggunakan metode Certainty Factor. Adapun akurasi sistem pakar yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini untuk mendiagnosa penyakit Malaria meliputi Malaria Tertiana, Malaria Tropika, Malaria Ovale dan Qurtana dengan tingkat akurasinya masing-masing adalah 56,1946% untuk Malaria Tertiana, 54,7038% untuk Malaria Tropika, 56,0473% Malaria Ovale dan 54,0473% Malaria Quartana. Dari akurasi yang diperoleh, akurasi yang paling tinggi adalah Malaria Ovale. Dari akurasi yang dihasilkan dapat membantu masyarakat dan juga tenaga kesehatan dalam mendiagnosa jenis penyakit malaria yang di derita


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    The service activity for planning an integrated waste transportation system was carried out in Pampangan Village, Pampangan District, Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra. The unavailability of integrated waste transportation facilities in Pampangan is the rationale for community service activities. The purpose of the activity is to provide assistance in preparing a plan for an integrated waste transportation system in Pampangan. The planning made is related to the facilities for transporting waste and the location of the TPA (final disposal site). Based on the results of the waste sample, the estimated amount of waste generated every day is 1000 kg. Using goal programming and linear programming, a wooden cart with a maximum capacity of 15 kg and 25 kg can transport waste 6 times and 26 times, respectively. Based on the calculation of total transportation, a waste transportation vehicle with a capacity greater than the currently available means of transportation is required


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    Kasus Covid-19 bergerak dinamis dan masih cenderung meningkat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian pengujian perbedaan kasus baru Covid-19 antar kelompok periode waktu di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Data diamati dari 1 Januari 2021 hingga 31 Juli 2022 yang dikumpulkan dari publikasi website provinsi. Metode penelitian menggunakan uji Kruskall-Wallis sebagai alternatif uji one-way ANOVA. Periode waktu dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok yang terdiri dari empat kelompok kondisi gelombang dan tiga kelompok kondisi melandai. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan pada kondisi gelombang, kondisi melandai, dan kombinasi antar kondisi gelombang dan melandai. Hasil kondisi gelombang menunjukkan keempat kelompok periode waktu memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kondisi kasus Covid-19. Pengujian hipotesis pada kasus Covid-19 antara kondisi melandai dan kombinasi gelombang dan melandai menunjukkan signifikansi hasil yang sama. Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa jumlah kasus Covid-19 pada periode waktu yang bertepatan dengan pasca hari besar keagamaan, atau hari libur nasional menunjukkan peningkatan rata-rata kasus yang signifikan berbeda secara statistik dibandingkan dengan kelompok periode waktu lainnya. Hasil tersebut memperkuat informasi bahwa jumlah kasus baru Covid-19 bergerak dinamis dan berbeda-beda berdasarkan kelompok periode waktu akibat adanya momen aktivitas tertentu.  Hasil ini menyarankan untuk tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan terutama ketika kita berada dalam beraktivitas sosial

    Combination Contrast Stretching and Adaptive Thresholding for Retinal Blood Vessel Image

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    To diagnose diabetic retinopathy is to segment the blood vessels of the retinal, but the retinal images in the DRIVE and STARE datasets have varying contrast, so the enhancement is needed to obtain a stable image contrast. In this study, image enhancement was performed using the Contrast Stretching and continued with segmentation using the Adaptive Thresholding on retinal images. The image that has been extracted with green channels will be enhanced with Contras Stretching and segmented with Adaptive Thresholding to produce a binary image of retinal blood vessels. The purpose of this study was to combine image enhancement techniques and segmentation methods to obtain valid and accurate retinal blood vessels. The test results on DRIVE were 95.68 for accuracy, 65.05% for sensitivity, and 98.56% for specificity. The test results of Adam Hoover’s ground truth on STARE were 96.13% for, 65.90% for sensitivity, and 98.48% for specificity. The test results for Valentina Kouznetsova’s ground truth on the STARE were 93.89% for accuracy, 52.15% for sensitivity, and 99.02% for specificity. The conclusion obtained is that the processing results on the DRIVE and STARE datasets are very good with respect to their accuracy and specificity values. This method still needs to be developed to be able to detect thin blood vessels with the aim of being able to improve and increase the sensitivity value obtained

    Survival Analysis and Determinants of The First Birth Interval in Indonesia

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    The first birth interval is one of the indicators of women’s fertility rate. Because in most cases the first birth interval contains censored observations, the only appropriate statistical method to handle such data is survival analysis. The main objective of this study is to analyze several socioeconomic and demographic factors that affect the first birth interval in Indonesia using the univariate and multivariate survival analysis, that is Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression model, respectively. The sample is obtained from 2012 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) and consists of 28242 ever married women aged 15-49 at the time of interview. The results show that age at the first birth, women's educational level, husband’s educational level, contraceptive knowledge, wealth index, and employment status are the significant factors affecting the first birth interval in Indonesia

    Optimasi Produksi Dan Analisis Sensitivitas Menggunakan Algoritma Titik Interior (Studi Kasus: UP2K Melati, Prabumulih)

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    Algoritma titik interior merupakan suatu metode penyelesaian permasalahan pemrograman linear dengan mentransformasikan titik interior awal ke dalam daerah fisibel sehingga mencapai solusi optimal penyelesaian pemrograman linear. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengaplikasikan algoritma titik interior dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan optimasi produksi makanan ringan berbahan baku nanas pada UP2K Melati, Prabumulih. Keuntungan produksi dihitung dengan memperhatikan kendala bahan baku dan proses produksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh keuntungan maksimum produksi UP2K Melati sebesar Rp 710.987,00. Produk UP2K Melati yang diproduksi adalah dodol nanas sejumlah 43 kemasan/250 gram, manisan nanas sejumlah 65 kemasan/250 gram, dan keripik nanas sejumlah 128 kemasan/250 gram. Produk wajik nanas tidak direkomendasikan untuk diproduksi, karena produk wajik nanas tidak meningkatkan keuntungan produksi

    Optimasi Kendaraan Pengangkut Sampah di Kecamatan Kertapati Menggunakan Pemrograman Bilangan Bulat

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    Waste management in the district Kertapati done by the private sector and government. The authorities responsible for waste management is Palembang City Sanitation Department (DKKP). Waste is transported from the area TPS (Transit Depo) to landfill Sukawinatan use two types of vehicles, namely dump trucks and armroll. Analyzed the optimal number of vehicles ritase waste carrier with the highest amount of waste as a goal. The total time of transport, the maximum capacity of conveyance and the maximum amount of waste that must be transported as an integer linear programming constraints. Completion of linear models using methods Branch and Bound. Volume of  waste in Lambung 87 is 7630 kg, the optimal use of dumb truck with 2 ritase carriage.  Volume of  waste in the Lambung 42  as much as 8850 kg, optimal use armroll with 3 ritase carriage. The amount of waste in the  Lambung 69 as much as 7770 kg, more optimal use of dumb truck with 2 ritase carriage

    Model of Demand Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (DRC-OCVRP) Simplification by Applying Preprocessing Techniques in Rubbish Controlling in Sematang Borang District, Palembang

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    The activity of rubbish controlling in Palembang is one of the applications of Demand Robust Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (DRC-OCVRP). In transporting rubbish in Sematang Borang district by preprocessing and probing technique are needed to obtain the simplest DRC-OCVRP model. The result shows that the optimal routes in those districts after applying the techniques are the same routes. In addition, the reduction of constraints, variables and the reduction of iteration numbers are also obtained. For Sematang Borang district, the reducing is mostly done on the working area 2 (WK 2) that is reducing as much 9 variables and 8 constraints of the initial number of variables as much as 36 and 66 constraints that has been previously obtained in the past research

    Model of Demand Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (DRC-OCVRP) Simplification by Applying Preprocessing Techniques in Rubbish Controlling in Sematang Borang District, Palembang

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    The activity of rubbish controlling in Palembang is one of the applications of Demand Robust Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (DRC-OCVRP). In transporting rubbish in Sematang Borang district by preprocessing and probing technique are needed to obtain the simplest DRC-OCVRP model. The result shows that the optimal routes in those districts after applying the techniques are the same routes. In addition, the reduction of constraints, variables and the reduction of iteration numbers are also obtained. For Sematang Borang district, the reducing is mostly done on the working area 2 (WK 2) that is reducing as much 9 variables and 8 constraints of the initial number of variables as much as 36 and 66 constraints that has been previously obtained in the past research